Monday, April 25, 2011

Since April 4, my mind is focusing on a vocabulary which includes sacromere, origin and insertion points, quadratus lumborum and erector spinae. Add them to the Karvonen formula, BMR=RMR+PAL+TEF, acetycholine and sarcoplasmic reticulum and you get the idea I am studying and not sewing! Sensing a small frustration beginning to emerge as my creativity time is extremely limited my husband bought me a wonderful book for Easter; A Daily Creativity Journal, 365 Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life! by Noah Scalin. Day One: "make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the material in your immediate environment." The eggs in my refrigerator were still white so on Easter Sunday I dyed my eggs in spinach, turmeric and coffee. Not my usual amount of creativity time but it felt good to "make" something pretty and do something other than study!


Anonymous said...

The eggs are beautiful. How clever. You've proven that any time period, no matter how little, can be used to produce something wonderful. I'm sure it felt good.

Diane Wright said...

Good for you, Linda. I'm itching to get back into my studio too...but I don't have your good excuse. My travel had little healthy exercise involved...okay, some walking...and lugging. I want you to be my the studio AND in the gym.