Friday, February 10, 2012

The Prayer Flag Project

Words meant to be shared with the world. This congratulatory flag, made by Sisters in Cloth, is for Vivika Hansen DeNegre, The Prayer Flag Project founder AND newest Quilting Arts editor. If you haven't been to The Prayer Flag Project blog, go visit and think about some flags you can design and then share with the world!


~Niki~ said...

i like that. almost looks like crazy quilting. i have a giveaway going on at my butternut street blog.
i don't have many entries if you wanna come check it out. fabric! lol. have a great friday.

Linda Zimmerman said...

Hi Niki, it's collage quilting. Each person of my group gave me a small square. I sewed the squares together into a large square, cut apart the large square, sewed the pieces back together, cut again then sewed those pieces together. It's fun and random. The point was as a group we all contributed. Thank you! and I will check out your blog.